ClusterFlux Games Showcase

Video showcase of game projects in the UChicago community

Producer, Trailer Editor

Thanksgiving 2022

UChicago Game Design & UChicago MAAD Department

In the fall of 2022, I worked with Eren Slifker to produce a video showcase of game projects being produced in the UChicago community. We collaborated with the UChicago Game Design and the Media Arts and Design (MAAD) program staff to gather submissions, record voiceovers and footage of the video hosts, edit the video and game trailers, and host a premiere event for the video. A total of 25 projects were featured in the showcase. On the evening of the premiere, we hosted the ClusterFlux Arcade, with ten of the game submissions hosting playable demos of their game for guests to play. 

My Contributions

I handled almost all of the production logistics and a smaller portion of the editing work on the showcase. My responsibilities on the project included: